碳化硅粉 超细碳化硅 纳米碳化硅

有效期: 2025-03-01

数量(千克) 价格
1 12元/千克
  • 供货总量: 电议
  • 最小起订: 1千克
  • 发货地址: 山东
  • 付款方式: 面议
  • 发布日期:2024-03-01
  • 访问量:229


实名认证 企业认证
  • 联系人:张衡
  • 手机:18678398141
  • 电话:0531-82025878
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 生产加工-私营有限责任公司
  • 所在地区:山东 济南市
  • 家家通积分:15440分
品牌 山东晶鼎 规格型号 各种
编号 齐全 计量单位 1千克
付款方式 面议 参考价格 12
价格单位 人民币 供货量 不限
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产地 山东 发货地 山东


碳化硅粉 超细碳化硅 纳米碳化硅



      天然碳化硅在自然界几乎不存在,工业上应用的碳化硅是一种人造材料。碳化硅俗称金刚砂(SiC)或耐火砂、碳硅石,主要分为黑色碳化硅和绿色碳化硅,是用石英砂、石油焦(或煤焦)、木屑为原料(生产绿色碳化硅时需要加食盐)通过电阻炉高温冶炼而成,均为六方晶体。碳化硅耐高温,与强酸、强碱均不起反应,导电导热性好,具有很强的抗辐射能力。一级碳化硅含量高,比如绿色碳化硅结晶块,含量一般在98 99以上,也就是说的一级块,二级块的含量就要低些80 85 90等等,还有些含量更低的30,40直接叫三级块。




Sublimation bbbbbb can be obtained directly with silicon carbide powder mass and large area heavily sb-doped silicon carbide. With heavily sb-doped silicon carbide to produce green or blue light-emitting diodes, field effect transistor, bipolar transistor. With silicon carbide fibers can be made into radar absorbing material and broad prospects in military industry. Silicon carbide superfinishing fine powder is an ideal material to production of silicon carbide ceramics. Silicon carbide ceramics with excellent mechanical properties at room temperature, such as high bending strength, excellent oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, high wear resistance and low friction coefficient, and high temperature mechanical properties (strength, creep resistance, etc.) is the best material of ceramic material, known as whisker reinforcement can improve the toughness and strength of silicon carbide.









The characteristics of black silicon carbide: big furnace smelting, refining time is long, crystallization, crystal particles is large, high purity, less impurities; High strength, good durability; After pickling, washing, cleanliness; Through special processing of high product purity, strength, higher grinding ability is stronger.

Green silicon carbide is suitable for the killing of copper, aluminium, jewel, optical glass, ceramics and other hard alloy, bbbbllic and hard and brittle non-bbbbllic materials; Micro powder can also be used as a ceramic material.

Silicon carbide (SiC) is using quartz sand and petroleum coke or coal tar, wood chips as raw material through high temperature electric resistance furnace smelting. Silicon carbide in nature there is also a rare mineral mo SangShi, also called moissanite. In contemporary C, N, B the oxide refractory raw materials in the high technology, such as silicon carbide as the most widely used, one of the most economic, can be called corundum or refractory sand.












Green silicon carbide silicon carbide black silicon carbide and two common basic varieties, belong to SiC.

1, black silicon carbide containing SiC by about 98.5%, its toughness is higher than the green silicon carbide, mostly used for processing low tensile strength of material, such as glass, ceramics, stone, refractory material, cast iron and nonferrous bbbbl, etc.

2, green silicon carbide containing SiC99 % above, good self-sharpening, mostly used for processing hard alloy, titanium alloy and optical glass, also used for honing cylinder jacket and fine grinding HSS cutting tools.

3, and cubic silicon carbide, it is a special process for making yellow crystals, to make the abrasive tool suitable for bearing the superfinishing, can make the surface roughness from a processing Ra32 ~ 0.16 microns to Ra0.04 ~ 0.02 microns.
















Because MingYue silicon carbide chemical stable perbbbbance, high thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, wear-resisting perbbbbance is good, there are mainly four big application field, namely, functional ceramics, refractories, abrasives, bbbbllurgical raw materials. Silicon carbide raw material supply can have a lot of, can't calculate high-tech products, and the application of high technology content of nano-sized sic powder short time can't bbbb scale economy.

1, as abrasive, abrasive tool can be used to do, such as grinding wheel, whetstone, grinding head, sand tile, etc.

2, as bbbbllurgical deoxidizer and high temperature resistant material.

3, single crystals of high purity, can be used in the manufacture of semiconductor, the manufacture of silicon carbide fibers.

4, for 3-12 inch monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, potassium arsenide, quartz crystal wire cutting, etc. Solar photovoltaic industry, semiconductor industry, piezoelectric crystal industry physical processing materials.

5, used in semiconductor, the lightning rod, circuit components, the application of high temperature and ultraviolet detection apparatus, material structure, astronomy, disc brakes, clutch, diesel particle filter, filaments pyrometer, ceramic film, cutting tools, heating element, nubbbbb fuel, jewelry, steel, gear, catalyst supporter, and other fields.


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